Day 1: Videodrome


Saw this in the theater last night and I’m still processing. I can’t help but wonder how this flick is nearly as old as I am, yet the term “labial abs” has yet to catch on in bodybuilding circles.

I’ve loved the body horror genre ever since a stress-related illness I grappled with at the end of high school and early into living in Isla Vista, which is fertile ground for exploring all the creative ways your body can betray you. But I’d only ever seen Dead Ringers and Crash (during my impromptu film-festival-for-one while I was killing time during “reading week” in Birmingham, England). Also: a couple minutes of The Fly and the end of The Dead Zone. But aren’t these early audience reviews of the flick fun?

Kell and I caught this the last night it was showing at Academy Theater — in its way, an extension of the Videodrome world. The next day, he had this to say:


originally published Oct 2 2015

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